Rodgers & Hammerstein's Cinderella

Show Information
The Ruth and Nathan Hale Theater
Music by
Richard Rodgers
Lyrics by
Oscar Hammersein II
New Book by
Douglas Carter Beane
Original Book by
Oscar Hammersein II
Cinderella is presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals
on behalf of The Rodgers & Hammerstein Organization.
Any video and/or audio recording of this production is strictly prohibited
Cast List
Hailey Bennett Sundwall Mon, Wed, Fri
Teaira Burge Tue, Thu, Sat
Jeff Sundwall Mon, Wed, Fri
Dan Van Ormer Tue, Thu, Sat
Julia Jolley Mon, Tue, Fri
Bonnie Wilson Whitlock Wed, Thu, Sat
Kalena Nielson Mon, Wed, Fri
Emma Wadsworth Hurley Tue, Thu, Sat
Jaymie Lambson Mon, Wed, Fri
Malia Mackay Tue, Thu, Sat
Kyle Harper Mon, Wed, Fri
Spencer Debenham Tue, Thu, Sat
Tanner Sumens Mon, Wed, Fri
Brock Harris Tue, Thu, Sat
Lord Pinkleton
Ammon Palmer Mon, Wed, Fri
Daniel Clegg Tue, Thu, Sat
Michelle Sundwall Mon, Wed, Fri
Debra Weed Hahn Tue, Thu, Sat
Man 1/Footman
Cole Hixson Mon, Wed, Fri
Brae Anderson Tue, Thu, Sat
Man 2
Braden Johnston Mon, Wed, Fri
Robbie Cromwell Tue, Thu, Sat
Man 3
Cade Hixson Mon, Wed, Fri
Lucas Morley Tue, Thu, Sat
Man 4
Taft Smith Mon, Wed, Fri
Ethan Freestone Tue, Thu, Sat
Man 5
Elijah Wolford Mon, Wed, Fri
Kc Johnson Tue, Thu, Sat
Man 6/Coachman
Roman Gabriel Curiel Mon, Wed, Fri
Carter Mcewan Tue, Thu, Sat
Woman 1
Olivia Stewart Mon, Wed, Fri
Lauren Bonner Tue, Thu, Sat
Woman 2
Grace Oborn Mon, Wed, Fri
Benzley Jane Packard Tue, Thu, Sat
Woman 3/Raccoon
Emily Runyan Manning Mon, Wed, Fri
Miranda Renee Smith Tue, Thu, Sat
Woman 4
Bailey Dayton Mon, Wed, Sat
Kersee Whitney Tue, Thu, Fri
Woman 5/Fox
Maggie Scott Mon,Tue, Fri
Madeline Clifford Wed, Thu, Sat
Woman 6
Abigail Werner Mon, Wed, Fri
Emily West Tue, Thu, Sat
Production Team
Rodger Sorensen
Korianne Johnson
Sayoko Knode
Carter Thompson
Elizabeth Banks Wertz
Christa Didier
Brian Healy
Emilie Ronhaar
Megan Heaps
Richie Trimble & Cole McClure
Ashtyn Waters
Brienna Michaelis
Artistic Direction by
Anne Swenson
Associate Artistic Direction by
Jennifer Hill Barlow
Resident Director & Choreographer
Jennifer Hill Barlow
Production Manager
Meagan M. Downey
Technical Director
Jason Baldwin
Costume Shop Manager
Dvorah Governale
Show Operations Manager
Richie Trimble
Head of Sound
Cole McClure
Head of Lighting and Media
Michael Gray
Head of Automation & Rigging
Scott Freeland
Master Electrician
Ryan Fallis
Head Draper
Jessica Barksdale
Danielle Dulchinos
First Hand
Maria Solesbee
Costume Shop Staff
Lauri Baird, Monica McNeill, and Erin Smith
Transformation Dress Engineers
Lauri Baird, Danielle Dulchinos, Dvorah Governale, Monica McNeill, and Danielle Tanner
Additional Stitching
Sarah Baldwin, Sarah Boden, Amy Handy, Keri Johnson, and Tannis Poynter
Assistant Costume Shop Manager
Alyssa Baumgarten
Craft Shop Manager
Olivia Kline
Crafts & Costume Construction
Megan Conde, Brooklyn Corner, Rowan Forsyth, Kaely Hope, McKayla Howlett, Sara McCorristin and Brienna Michaelis
Resident Assistant Costume Designers
Christa Didier and Lexi Goldsberry
Archive Managers
Merrium Black, and Ryver Mecham
Hair & Makeup Supervisor
Melinda Wilks
Hair & Makeup Assistant
Emilie Ronhaar, Mattie Victor, and Bekah Wilbur
Additional Hair & Makeup
Brooklyn Tolley and Laura Bikman
Wardrobe Supervisor
Danielle Tanner
Head Dressers
Carli Bringhurst, and Elizabeth Moss
Wardrobe Crew
Angela Beaty, Carlie McCleary, Zach Raddatz, Alexis Sanders, Alyssa Steck, Annika Stenquist, Brooklyn Swallow, Kate Watkins, and Seneca White
Assistant Technical Director
Paul Hintz
Master Carpenter
David Knowles
Lincoln Oliphant and Ian Scott
Purchasing Coordinator / Props Artisan
Elisabeth Goulding
Prop Supervisor
Megan Heaps
Prop Artisan
Allen Lafferty
Automation Operator
Ryder Spotts
Deck Crew
Ian Bakker, Kenna Seegmiller, Lex Fabian, Simon Quinn
Audio Engineer (A1)
Bethany Tucker and Devon Parikh
Scenic Charge Artist
Morgan Dawn Golightly
Stage Managers
Ashtyn Waters and Courtney Byrom
Assistant Stage Managers
Katie Bauer and Haze Nielsen
Scenes and Musical Numbers
Act One
• Prologue •
The Company
• Scene 1 •
A Rocky Glen
Me, Who Am I?
Topher, Sebastian, Lord Pinkleton, and Knights
• Scene 2 •
Outside Madame's Cottage
In My Own Little Corner
In My Own Little Corner Tag
Ella and Topher
• Scene 3 •
Throne Room of the Royal Palace
• Scene 4 •
Town Square
Now Is the Time
The Prince is Giving a Ball
Lord Pinkleton, Madame, Charlotte, Gabrielle, Ella, and Townspeople
• Scene 5 •
Inside Madame's Cottage
• Scene 6 •
Outside Madame's Cottage
Marie and Ella
• Scene 7 •
Flight to the Castle
It's Possible
Marie and Ella
• Scene 8 •
The Castle Ballroom
Ten Minutes Ago
Topher and Ella
Cinderella Waltz
Ten Minutes Ago Reprise
Topher, Ella, and Company
• Scene 9 •
Palace Steps
• Scene 1 •
Palace Steps
Stepsister's Lament
Charlotte and Ladies of the Court
• Scene 2 •
The Pursuit
• Scene 3 •
Madame's Cottage
He Was Tall
When You're Driving Through the Moonlight
Ella, Madame, Charlotte, and Gabrielle
A Lovely Night
Ella, Madame, Charlotte, and Gabrielle
A Lovely Night Reprise
Ella and Gabrielle
• Scene 4 •
The Forest
Loneliness of Evening
Topher and Ella
The Prince is Giving a Ball
Pinkleton and Heralds
• Scene 5 •
Madame's Cottage
There's Music In You
• Scene 6 •
Palace Steps
Now is the Time
Jean-Michele, Gabrielle, Ella, and Crowd
Do I Love You Because You're Beautiful
Topher and Ella
• Scene 7 •
The Palace
The Proposal
Topher, Ella, and Company
• Scene 8 •
The Palace Gardens
Marie and Company
Director's Note
by Rodger Sorenson
Ted Chapin is a producer, performer, and former president of the Rodgers and Hammerstein organization. In his note introducing this production to audiences in New York, and to future creative teams, he wrote:
"When Robyn Goodman led the charge for what ended up as Rodgers + Hammerstein's Cinderella, she was focused on creating a Broadwayworthy, expanded, and fleshed-out version that would include more than all the well-known songs, and be acceptable to a savvy, modern audience. Magic would be present, of course, but Robyn wanted characters who would take charge of their own lives and destinies; she wasn't interested in, and didn't think today's audiences would be interested in, passive characters whose princes just drop in from the sky. Landing a prince would have to be earned. This production includes modern sensibilities, but with a whole lot of traditional theatrical magic."
Cinderella lives in a world of magic and make believe, fantasy and imagination, mystery and dancing and music. It thrives in a world of everyday heroes and heroines, and of transformations!
A beggar woman transforms into a Fairy Godmother. A rag-wearing, common stepdaughter transforms into a Princess. A pumpkin patch into a golden carriage, mice into horses, a fox into a footman, a racoon into a coachman, a prince into a king. Imagine that. Believe it all, and more!
Transformation is not the only superpowers performed in this story! What is Ella’s superpower? How does she meet and enchant the Prince? This is a story that empowers girls of all ages, especially other “Cinderellas,” to become more than they think they can. How does she do that?
Many characters have superpowers in this story. What is Ella’s superpower? Prince Topher’s? Marie’s? Gabrielle’s? Jean-Michel’s? Lord Pinkleton’s? Could even Madame and Charlotte have superpowers? It’s possible. Anything is possible! What is your superpower?
In the world of Cinderella, music, lighting, sets, costumes, props, and choreography collaborate to create an atmosphere of magic that blends the ordinary with the extraordinary. This fusion blurs the boundaries between time and timelessness, fantasy and reality, kings and commoners, generating seemingly absurd spaces that are enchanting and inviting.
Wouldn’t it be lovely if we all could be like Cinderella? If we all had the superpower of being able to talk with animals, to see crazy Marie as “a sweet and delicate” old woman who is also a “little nuts,” to love and see the good in everyone, to see Topher as more than just a spoiled Prince, but rather as someone who can lead a country and be a king? And although Ella is a pauper, Topher sees her as a person who could marry a prince and become a Queen. It’s a magical world in which extraordinary events are accepted as natural occurrences.
Mark Brokaw directed the original version of this musical for Broadway in 2013. He expressed his passion about the production with the following words.
"I think that Cinderella takes you on one of the most fulfilling emotional journeys that I’ve ever experienced in the musical theater. That’s because it really is about the triumph of the underdog. I think that everyone has felt like an outsider, has felt like they don’t fit in, has felt like no one wants to talk to them at the party – and I think that what this story proves is that with perseverance and with charity, kindness, and generosity, you can overcome all of those things, not overnight, but you can overcome them. And you can triumph."
Cinderella is empowering for everyone: girls, boys, audiences of all genders and ages who are confronting challenges in their lives. Listen for these words in the final song of the show:
"For the world is full of zanies and fools
Who don’t believe in sensible rules
And won’t believe what sensible people say,
And because these daft and dewy-eyed dopes
Keep building up impossible hopes,
Impossible things are happ’ning every day!"
Welcome to Cinderella!
May you enjoy experiencing the impossible, as much as we enjoyed creating it.
Interesting Facts
By Mark Fossen
Cinderellas Through the World
Before the classic tale told by Charles Perrault in 1697 …
Before Cinderella first appears onstage at London's Drury Lane Theatre in 1804 …
Before the Brothers Grimm in 1812 …
Before Walt Disney in 1950 …
Before Rodgers and Hammerstein in 1957 …
… there is this story that the Greek historian Strabo was told in the early 1st Century:
They tell the fabulous story that, when [Rhodopis] was bathing, an eagle snatched one of her sandals from her maid and carried it to Memphis; and while the king was administering justice in the open air, the eagle, when it arrived above his head, flung the sandal into his lap; and the king, stirred both by the beautiful shape of the sandal and by the strangeness of the occurrence, sent men in all directions into the country in quest of the woman who wore the sandal; and when she was found in the city of Naucratis, she was brought up to Memphis, became the wife of the king.
Strabo, Geography, Book XVII.33, circa 23 CE
There is no evil stepmother, no fairy godmother, and no ball … but it is still recognizably Cinderella: a royal finds a slipper and searches for its owner throughout the kingdom so that he may marry her. An 1893 survey by folklorist Marian Roalfe Cox identified 345 variations of the Cinderella story in world folklore, and studies since suggest there may be more than 1000. Here are some of the folktales and myths that echo Cinderella’s story of perseverance and kindness ultimately rewarded:
Considered one of the earliest versions of Cinderella and predating the versions we know best by over 800 years, a Chinese folktale from the Tang Dynasty tells the story of Ye Xian, a kind-hearted girl who is mistreated by her stepmother and stepsister after the death of her father. Ye Xian befriends a magical fish which has been sent by her mother, but her stepmother cruelly kills it. Guided by a spirit, Ye Xian retrieves the fish’s bones, which grant her wishes. With their help, she attends a local festival dressed in fine garments and golden slippers, capturing the attention of a king. When she flees, leaving behind a slipper, the king searches for its owner. Once he finds Ye Xian, her goodness is rewarded as she becomes queen, and her stepmother faces divine punishment.
"La Gatta Cenerentola" or "The Cat Cinderella" by Giambattista Basile tells the tale of Zezolla, a prince’s daughter, mistreated by her stepmother and stepsisters after her father's remarriage and sent to work in the kitchen as a scullery maid.
Zezolla's fortunes change when she receives magical assistance from a fairy-like creature which transforms her and enables her to attend a royal ball. Disguised in beautiful attire, Zezolla captures the King's heart and he has her followed on each of the three nights of the ball. It is only when she loses a shoe that he is able to find her by calling all the single women of the country to his castle, and as the stepsisters try to hide her, the shoe flies out of his hand to Zezolla "as the iron flies to the magnet". He immediately crowns her Queen, and her stepsisters sulk away in shame.
Kongjwi, a gentle and hardworking girl, endures cruelty at the hands of her stepmother and stepsister, Patjwi. While Patjwi mocks her and forces her to complete impossible tasks, divine helpers intervene—an ox plows a field, sparrows gather beans, and a goblin finishes her weaving. With their aid, Kongjwi attends a festival, where she captivates a young nobleman but loses her slipper in her haste to leave. The nobleman searches for her, and when the slipper fits, Kongjwi’s goodness is rewarded with love and a better life. Unlike the Cinderella we know, the story continues as the stepsister Patjwi kills Kongjwi, disguises herself, and takes her place. Kongjwi's ghost reveals the truth and is magically brought back to life, while Patjwi is punished for her crime.
Chinye is a young girl who lives with her cruel stepmother and stepsister. Tasked with fetching water every night, Chinye endures their harsh treatment without complaint. One evening, while drawing water from the river, Chinye encounters an old woman who gives her a magical gourd. The old woman instructs her to break the gourd only when she is in a safe place.
When she returns home, Chinye follows the woman's instructions and secretly breaks the gourd. To her amazement, it reveals a trove of treasures—gold, jewels, and beautiful clothes. Chinye's stepmother and stepsister, upon discovering her newfound wealth, demand their own magic gourd. However, their greed leads them to break the gourd in haste, unleashing a swarm of harmful creatures.
In the tale of "Katie Woodencloak," a king marries a widowed queen, leaving his daughter under the cruel care of her stepmother. The stepmother starves the princess, but a magical dun bull helps her by providing her with a cloth that produces food. When the stepmother plots to kill the bull, the princess and the bull flee. They adventure in copper, silver, and golden forests, collecting magical items each time.
Eventually, the bull instructs the princess to disguise herself as "Katie Woodencloak" and seek work at a castle. Despite the prince's initial disdain, Katie attends church in magnificent copper, silver, and golden dresses, capturing the prince's heart. She drops an item each day and when he gets her golden shoe, he has every woman in the kingdom try it on. It fits Katie’s stepsister, but a bird reveals that the stepsister had cut her foot to fit. The prince tries the shoe on Katie, finds it fits, and marries her.
Once upon a time, an Ojibwe man lived by Lake Superior with his three daughters. The two older girls were lazy and cruel, tormenting their youngest sister, Sootface. They made her do all the dirty work and ridiculed her endlessly.
A mighty invisible warrior across the lake declared he would marry any woman who could see him and accurately describe his bow and bowstrings. The older sisters failed the test, but Sootface, with the help of a birch tree and her own perseverance, saw the warrior's rainbow bow and Milky Way bowstrings.
Impressed, the warrior's sister bathed Sootface, revealing her true beauty. The warrior named her Dawn Light, and they married under a giant rainbow. Her cruel sisters were left to do all the work and watched as Dawn Light found happiness and love.
Interested in Learning More?
Look for these at your local library or bookstore!
The Egyptian Cinderella
by Shirley Climo and Ruth HellerYeh-Shen: A Cinderella Story from China
by Ai-Ling Louie and Ed YoungThe Korean Cinderella
by Shirley Climo and Ruth HellerChinye: A West African Folk Tale
by Obi Onyefulu and Eve SafarewiczSootface: An Ojibwas Cinderella Story
by Robert D. San Souci and Daniel San Souc
Meet the Cast

Hailey Bennett Sundwall

Teaira Burge

Jeff Sundwall

Dan vanOrmer

Julia Jolley

Bonnie Wilson Whitlock

Kalena Nielson

Emma Wadsworth Hurley

Jaymie Lambson

Malia Mackay

Kyle Harper

Spencer Debenham

Tanner Sumens

Brock Harris

Ammon Palmer

Daniel Clegg

Michelle Sundwall

Debra Weed Hahn

Cole Hixson

Brae Anderson

Braden Johnston

Robbie Cromwell

Cade Hixson

Lucas Morley

Taft Smith

Ethan Freestone

Elijah Wolford

KC Johnson

Roman Gabriel Curiel

Carter McEwan

Olivia Stewart

Lauren Bonner

Grace Oborn

Benzley Jane Packard

Emily Runyan Manning

Miranda Renee Smith

Bailey Dayton

Kersee Whitney

Maggie Scott

Madeline Clifford

Abigail Werner

Emily West
Meet the Production Team

Rodger Sorensen

Korianne Johnson

Sayoko Knode Peterson

Ashtyn Waters

Carter Thompson

Elizabeth Banks Wertz

Emilie Ronhaar

Brian Healy

Cole McClure

Richie Trimble

Megan Heaps
Theater Staff
Cody & Linda Hale
Cody & Anne Swenson
Managing Director of Education
Linda Hale
Director of The Ruth Academy
Jon Liddiard
Youth Artistic Director
Amelia Rose Moore
Acting Instructors
Kelly Coombs, Morgan Gunter, Jon Liddiard, and Clara Wright
Vocal Instructors
Amanda Baugh, Amanda Crabb, Marcie Jacobsen, Rex Kocherhans, Chelsea Lindsay, Amelia Rose Moore, Rachel Ryan Nicholes, Ted Reedy, Brandalee Bluth Streeter, and Marcie Yacktman
Group Class Instructors
Amanda Baugh, Rachel Carter, DeLayne Dayton, Ben Henderson, Collin Larsen, Jon Liddiard, Amelia Rose Moore, Kolton Nielsen, Hailey Bennett Sundwall, Emma Wadsworth, and Dylan Wright
Executive Director
Cody Swenson
Senior Vice President
Bill Woahn
Director of Development
Jeff Fisher
Director of Operations
Troy Anderson
Director of Finance
Mark Ostler
Director of Human Resources
Camie Shepherd
Director of Public Relations & Strategic Partnerships
Sydney Dameron
Senior Manager of Corporate Partnerships
Sean Firmage
VP of Advancement
Jeremiah Christenot
Director of Marketing
Brighton Sloan
Creative Marketing Director
Curt R. Jensen
Video Content Creators
Josh Beck and Chad Goldsberry
Patron Services
Box Office Manager
Brooke Wilkins
Assistant Box Office Manager
Risa Bean
Box Office Staff
Gwen Carlson, Emily Ellis, Eli Estrada, Logan Kneeland, Katlin LeBeau,
Chloe Loveridge, Laurel Lowe, Emma Macfarlane, Lori McClure, Melanie Muranaka, Elizabeth Rotz, Erin Smith, Opal Tolman, and Tia Trimble
Front of House Manager
Fiona Hartvigsen
Assitant House Managers
Kevin Bigler, Gwen Carlson,Brielle Giles, Logan Kneeland, Abigail Munoz, Opal Tolman, and Tia Trimble
Alice Byrom, Chloe Barrus, Alli Cloward, Parker Eggleston, Zoe Fawcett, Abby Henry,
Braden Johnston, Katrina Jorgensen, Addysn Kidd, Miley Ledyard, Kelsey McClain, Anna Sanford, Liberty Sondrop, Annabelle Wagner, Danielle West, Lilly Wright, and Makelle Young
Hale Center Foundation for the Arts & Education
Board Chair
Jeff Wilks
Board of Trustees
Anne Brown, David Doxey, Linda Hale, Carl Hernandez, Derrin Hill, William Jeffs, Karen McCandless, Jani Radebaugh, Cody Swenson, and Lincoln Westcott
Advocacy Council
Heidi & Bill Woahn (Volunteer Chairs)
Advisory Council
Craig Simons, Ella Simons, Jerry Simons, Adele Swenson, Maren Mouritsen, Robert Lee Swenson, and Melany Wilkins
Thank You!
We appreciate all those who have contributed to the Hale Center Foundation for the Arts & Education (The Ruth and Nathan Hale Theater | The Ruth Academy). If your name has been misspelled or inadvertently omitted, please contact Jeff Fisher at 435.668.3861.
Lifetime Benefactors
Cumulative contributions over $100,000
- Ruth & Nathan Hale
- Cody & Linda Hale
- Cody & Anne Swenson
- Alan & Karen Ashton
- Gregory & Julie Cook
- Mayor Guy & Paul Fugal
- Dr. David & Chrissi Hill Family
- Barbara Barrington Jones
- Corey & Janis Lindley Family
- Dean & Joan Lindsay
- Martha Ann & Walter J. Lindsay
- Larry H. & Gail Miller Family Foundation
- National Endowment for the Arts (NEA)
- John Pestana Family
- Pleasant Grove City
- Scott & Karen Smith
- Utah Arts & Museums
- Utah County
- WCF Insurance
- David & Rachel Weidman
- Mark & Carol Wolfert Family
- Rob & Debbie Young Family
Major Gifts
Donations from January 1, 2023 - December 18, 2024
Prince & Princess over $10,000
- Peter & Susan Bagwell
- Child Family Foundation
- Dragonsteel
- Sam & Mary Dunn
- Kent & Eileen Gale
- Wendy James
- Danny & Nicole Larson
- Genesis of Lindon by Murdock
- Wayne & Jeanne Quinton
- Terry & Lil Shepherd
- Marian Shipley
- David & Peggy Smith
- Gina Truman
- Utah Children’s Dental Network
- Utah Toyota Dealers
- Genesis Inspiration Foundation
- Kendall Hulet & Carolina Nunez
Royal Court $5,000 to $9,999
- Tawnya Bears
- Brian Bernecker
- Marti Christensen
- Rachelle & Bob Conner
- Dana & Steve Daly
- Liz England
- Jeffrey & Nancy Flamm
- Cameron & Danielle Fugal
- TJ Fund
- Hamson Family
- Tim & Nancy Layton
- Todd & Christina Manning
- Melville Stables
- Dr. Russ & Mary Osguthorpe
- Anonymous
- Rhett & Stephanie Roberts
- John & Karen Valentine
Count & Countess $2,500 to $4,999
- Rachael Anderson
- Anonymous
- Curtis & Lisa Blair
- Lori Call
- Derek & Michelle Ellis
- Daniel & Jill B. Fugal
- Tyler Gibb
- Patti Greaves
- Danny & Mary Gunnell
- Joseph & Heather Hansen
- Kimball & Rebecca Hodges
- Brian & Louise Murphy
- Dennis & Joan Norton Family Fdn
- MaryAnn & Robert Parsons
- Reed & Charity Quinn
- Joyce Ricks Family
- Jeff & Sandee Smith
- Josh Woodbury
Duke & Duchess $1,000 to $2,499
- Andrew & Samantha Allison
- Marianne Anderson
- BA Real Estate Group
- Lawynn Baird
- Kirk & Laura Baxter
- Scott & Tereh Beeson
- Brent & Connie Bullock
- Sally Burningham
- John & Karen Cook
- Ryan & Jennifer Crafts
- Lee & Terry Daniels
- Olani Durrant
- KC Cook
- Jim & Tana Evans
- Mckay Florence
- John & Linda Gardner
- Steve & Tina Glover
- George & Bonnie Groberg
- Richard & Diana Guernsey
- Hale Distant Relatives
- Soren & Kim Halladay
- Harlan & RaDene Hatfield
- Rich & Ann Herlin
- Barta Heiner
- Nan Hunter
- Jeff & Jeffs Attorneys At Law
- William & Joanne Jeffs
- Rebekah & Joseph Johnson
- Ron Judd
- Karen Larsen
- Karen & Craig Larsen
- Tom & Diane Mabey
- Al & Lauri Manbeian
- Rick & Kim Mccloskey
- Maren Mouritsen
- Wendy Ott
- Michael & Tammy Peterson
- Jani Radebaugh
- Max Simmons
- Rob & Melissa Shelton
- Dr. Jerry & Ella Simons
- Jeff & Sandra Singer
- Denis & Denise Smith
- Scott & Margery Sorensen
- Nick & Kim Spencer
- Heidi Stevenson
- Rogan & Lynda Taylor
- Daniel Thomas
- Kaden & Amanda Waters
- Lincoln & Melanie Westcott Family
- Sharon & Gary Wiest
- David & Kristie Wilkins
- Bonnie & Chad Whitlock
- Jeff & Melinda Wilks
- Bill & Heidi Woahn
Lord & Lady $500 to $999
- Aunt Donna
- Jack Eldridge
- Gene & Karla Gammon
- Lauri Heiner
- Joyce Hemmert
- Brian & Suzanne Ivie
- Christies Johnson
- Korinne Nelson
- Michael Pulsipher
- Sydney Reynolds
- Amy & Nick Rogers
- Darin Stoner
Ambassador $250 to $499
- Rick Ainge
- Amazon Smiles
- Anonymous
- Jason Antares
- Ed Austin
- Kay Barker
- Scott Beckstrom
- John Chambers
- Suzanne Halgren
- Reid Holyoak
- Marianne Jackson
- Missy Larsen
- Paul Larson
- Robert Lavender
- Greg & Lynette Lyman
- R. John Madsen
- Daril Magleby
- Jackee Mower
- Linda Nielsen
- Roger Nuttall
- Teresa Pace
- Shirley Ricks
- Laurie Schaefer
- Jeremy Searle
- Alan Tilley
- Ben & Daneen Wake
- Arleen Watkins
- David Whitlock
- David Widfeldt
- Cheryl Williams
- Paul Wright
Annual Gifts
Donations from January 1, 2023 - December 18, 2024
Dignitary $100 to $249
- Jeff & Karen Acerson
- Frank Allen
- Anamae Anderson
- Kirk & Laura Lee Anderson
- Ron Andrews
- Benjamin Ard
- JB Armstrong
- Leann Averett
- Charles Babbel
- Carl Bacon
- Devin Baer
- Karla Baer
- Maureen & George Baker
- P Ballard
- Tami Barben
- Jeff Barlow
- Nannette Barnes
- Heather Bartholomew
- Richard Barton
- Anna-Marie Bass
- Christopher Beaman
- Ellen Beckstrand
- Max Behling
- Blake Bench
- Stephanie Benson
- Gigi Berrett
- Merelynn Berrett
- Susan Bigler
- George Bills
- Gary Bingham
- Joe Bingham
- Paul & Nina Bishop
- Robert Borden
- Shauna Briggs
- Roy Brinkerhoff
- Connie Bronson
- Lani Brower
- Ellen Brown
- Karen Brunsdale
- Holly Burgemeister
- Drew Burke
- Robin Burnah
- David Burrow
- Corene Casper
- Emily Castleton
- LeAnn Castleton
- Margaret Cazier
- Jason Chaffetz
- Cami Christensen
- Elizabeth Christensen
- Chris Christiansen
- Julianne Clark
- Steve Clegg
- Chris & Elise Clifford
- Marci Cole
- Deborah Conrad
- Kelly Cook
- Christopher Coon
- Trilby Cope
- Lisa Cowlishaw
- Bart Crockett
- Marshall Dahneke
- Becky Darrington
- Blair & Susan Davis
- Cherie Davis
- Michelle Davis
- Steven Day
- Kerstin Daynes
- Heather Downs
- Charlotte Ducos
- JP & Karen Durborow
- Melinda Durrant
- Stephanie Eau Claire
- Doug Edmunds
- Steven Embley
- Debora Escalante
- Nephi Evans
- Steven Eyre
- Terry & Leann Ficklin
- Linda Fillmore
- Ellen Ford
- Richard & Catherine Freeman
- Kathleen Gabbitas
- Duff & Yuneja Gardner
- Marc Garrett
- Christine George
- Kevin Giddins-Jones & Lita Giddins
- Carol Glissmeyer
- Holly Glover
- Ann Gonzales
- Aaron Goodrich
- Donna Griffith
- Susan Griffith
- Natalie Griffiths
- Jeffery Hall
- Brian Hansen
- Chad Hansen
- Todd Harrington
- Leann Hatfield
- Greg Hendrix
- Roberta Hicks
- Jennifer Hirschi
- Mary Hoagland
- Melissa Holiday
- Mikaela Holmes
- Donald Holsinger
- Don Horan
- Jacqui Howden
- Suzy Hunter
- Farrah & Andy Jarvis
- Jill Jasperson
- Paul Jenkins
- Colista Jensen
- Eric Jensen
- Kevin Jensen
- Robyn Johns
- Sue Anne Johnson
- Mark Johnston
- Toby Johnston
- Derek Jones
- Mark Jones
- Anthony Keele
- Michael & Shirley Klein
- Ken Knapton
- Laurel Kohl
- Katherine D. Koller
- Joyce Kunz
- Jilan Kyler
- Emily Larsen
- Jean Larsen
- John Larsen
- Kip Lawrence
- Daniel & Kim Lawyer
- Laura Lee
- Ron Lee
- Diane Leslie
- Dixie Lewis
- Linda Liljegren
- Laralee Lind
- Karen Littlefield
- Elizabeth Livingston
- Mary Lockhart
- Joee Lowe
- Jayne Luke
- David Lye
- Karyn Maag
- Kirt Mangum
- Darrell Martin
- Karen McCandless
- Heidi Mcdermott
- Dr. E. Bruce Mciff
- Kareena McKeown
- Russ & Paula Mckinlay
- Kathy Mcquarrie
- Rayanne & Chuck Melick
- Valynn Melzer
- Kristie Memmott
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Hearing Assistance
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